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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hall, GA

location-map Hall , GA | (678) 995 5540

Accepting New Clients

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Life can be a roller coaster of experiences, and sometimes it's a tough ride. Have you ever thought, “Why is my life so difficult?” My role as your therapist is to provide a safe and empathetic space where you can share your past hurts, fears, and dreams without judgment. Whether you've experienced trauma, are struggling with substance use, or battling anxiety and depression, I am dedicated to using evidence-based therapies to help you find your path to healing. I offer trauma-informed care in a safe, nurturing environment and can help facilitate your healing through the use of EMDR therapy. You don’t have to do this alone. Reaching out is a brave step toward building the future you want. I look forward to supporting you on your path to recovery, growth, and well-being.

location-map Hall , GA | (678) 928 5067

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Welcome to North Point Lighthouse Counseling! We provide in person Psychotherapy & Tele-therapy services at our offices in Oakwood Georgia. NPLC is a Christian counseling center that provides both faith based and non-faith based counseling to meet the needs of all our clients. We are determined to meet our clients with empathy and genuine compassion at their most difficult crossroads and burdensome challenges they face, through cultivating hope and encouraging change. North Point Lighthouse Counseling specializes in working with adults, teens, Individuals & couples from many diverse backgrounds and religious denominations. We work from a systems perspective with specialties including; Depression, Anxiety, Grief, Trauma, Marital Therapy, Pre-Marital, Parenting Challenges, Anger, ADHD, Social Skills and Conflict Resolution. At North Point Lighthouse Counseling, it is our great desire to serve & help those in need through Listening, Cultivating Hope & Encouraging Change. Our goal is to help promote healthy functioning within our clients and in their relationships with their loved ones. Thank you for trusting us with your first step today. We look so forward to hearing from you!